Dedicated servers

Price plans
Processor, CPU
Connection port
Operation system
Price per monthwhen pay for a year *
* Prices in different currencies are for reference only. Check final invoice sum in user billing.
Free 1 day trial of a dedicated server!

Extra services

Extra IP address per month from 0 $
Extra HDD per month from 0 $
Extra RAM per month from 0 $
Hardware RAID controller per month 0 $
Extra IP address per month for 1 IP address 1 $
50GB on backup server per month 0 $
Server administration from 0 $
IP-KVM switch per month 0 $

Microsoft licenses rental

from 17 $
Windows Server 2012 R2
for 1 CPU per month
from 17 $
Windows Server 2008 R2
for 1 CPU per month
from 25 $
Office 2013
for 1 user per month
from 25 $
Office 2010
for 1 user per month
from 8 $
SQL Server 2012
for 1 user per month
from 8 $
SQL Server 2008
for 1 user per month

Dedicated server advantages

Rent of a personal dedicated server will give you full control over your IT-resources and task. We will ensure its uninterrupted availability and performance.

We save time and nerves! It take less then one business day from the moment of order to the full setup of your server.

Our technical support in the Ukrainian, Russian and English really helps. 24 hours.

Whole infrastructure of the UNIT-IS data center
is organized without any compromises, that
guarantees exceptional stability of the servce.

Location of data center in Ukraine means minimal delays and route to your ukrainian customers. We are connected to 5 separate backbone providers-uplinks and major traffic exchange point of Ukraine.

Power supply provided with two inputs from the separate substations and generator unit. Without interruption.

We have the best prices for hardware and offer a choice of parts for your server in one of the thee price plans.

Flexible configuration system is an exact match of a server to your task. All logical. + 25% discount if you pat for a year!

Features of our data center


Un­in­ter­rupt­ible pose sup­plies are de­signed for short-term backup pose in the event of fail­ure of both elec­tric­al in­puts by con­nect­ing the bat­tery unit as the main power sup­ply un­til dies­el gen­er­at­or is star­ted. As UPS for date cen­ter we use Eaton Power­ware.

Rackmount 19''

We use only rack-type serv­ers in 42U and 56U racks. For pro­vider of fixed racks we chose Ukrain­i­an com­pany «Kon­strukt­iv OKB», that pro­duces ro­bust and re­li­able racks with wide choice of ac­cessor­ies, shelving, or­gan­izers and guides.

Load balancing

Cus­tom­er equip­ment is con­nec­ted to sep­ar­ate se­cure net­works (VLANs), which al­lows more flex­ib­il­ity in cus­tom­iz­a­tion of net­work en­vir­on­ment and protests net­work from un­au­thor­ized activ­it­ies.

You'll get for free

Remote power management for free
30 min. of service administration for free
Licensed control panels Direct Admin and ISPmanager Lite for free
Unlimited traffic on port speed for free
1 day setup for free
Automatic OS installation for CentOS, Debian, Gentoo, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
Installation of Windows OSs on request Windows Server 2012/2008R2 Standart/DC

Technical information

Our equipment is placed in our own technical platform of the new professional data center, located in Odessa and built according to modern standards in 2012. Equipment is provided with redundant uninterrupted power supply, climate control systems, 24-hour monitoring and security, which guarantees you a reliable placement of your website or server.

Control panel tour