Data center UNIT-IS is a Ukrainian company. We care and respect all of our customers, regardless of their political affiliation or geographic location. However, we understand how important it is at this moment for all of us, Ukrainians, to unite and help each other. We are announcing the launch of the campaign «Buy Ukrainian!». Buy high-quality Ukrainian hosting , make a contribution to the development of IT-sector and the economy of Ukraine.
Buying products and services, produced in Ukrainian, you contribute to the economic development of the country. Leaving your money in Ukraine, each of us brings our country and life to the level we all dream about.
According to the action «Buy Ukrainian», all new customers of the data center, that are citizens of Ukraine, starting April 1, 2014 will receive a 20% discount on web hosting, VDS and dedicated servers.
In our work we are always guided by the principles of legality and transparency in business. We do not have black accounting, all of our revenues are transparent. We pay taxes to the state budget. Support us and support the economy of Ukraine!
Slava Ukraine!
To get discount on web hosting, VDS or dedicated servers you should create an account and contact our support with the request of a promo code.